Auburn Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational campus ministry based in Auburn, Alabama. At ACF, we strive to connect Auburn University students in a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, His word and His community. Our goal is to have students leave ACF with a diploma in their hand and a devotion to Christ and His Kingdom in their hearts!
COMMUNITY – building relationships with one other based on God’s love and the depiction of community in the Bible
BECOMING FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST – patterning our lives to resemble that of Jesus’ life, full of love, humility, and service
FAITH – learning to trust and follow God’s leading in all of life
WORSHIP – striving to worship God with every aspect of our lives
PLACE – a place to feel welcomed no matter what background, a place to ask questions big or small, a place to get poured into by others, and a place to give yourself to others
MISSION – to join with and participate in what God is doing in our community, in Auburn, and in the world